When immigrants arrive at the border, our first concern should be to comfort, to provide food, healthcare, and shelter. This is what the story of the Good Samaritan tells us. New immigrants often need assistance with health, food and shelter. Once secure, they need self respect. The best route to self respect is work.
As with so much in our country, politics and greed is getting in the way. Those making money don’t want major changes in our life styles. To be truthful everyone in the middle class and above will find life style changes uncomfortable. Changes to address this global problem will have unwanted consequences for everyone. That doesn’t mean we have a blind spot and don’t try.
It means we need to open our eyes and start the discussion on how to best move forward.
Part 1 Family Visits My Sister Decided I should not drive by myself. This accomplished two things. I didn’t drive […]
How does a retired person, or at least a semi retired person go on vacation. Isn’t everyday a vacation day. Well, yes and no. Even in retirement life has everyday requirements. Doctors appointments become more numerous as we get older.
Staying in shape now becomes a required activity. And any activity which is part of retirement, now becomes part of a schedule. Time just fills up with all sorts of things to do.
Donald Trump’s view on lying. “If you say it long enough, hard enough, often enough, people will start to believe it.” This is why Donald Trump still repeats the “big lie.” He has to have people to continue to believe him, even with a huge body of evidence that it is a lie. Donald Trump’s own words tell us he lies and repeats his lies to make others believe his story.
The economy functions like a ship. Once it starts moving in a direction it takes months or years to redirect. The FED is an independent agency which sets parameters to control money supply. By doing this it attempts to reduce the depths of recession and to limit inflation.
The policies adopted by any president require time to take effect as well. The state of the economy for the first couple of years of a presidency is more a result of the previous president’s policies then the current.
Democrats? A Brief List. (my interpretation) Gun Control. More extensive background checks Higher age limits Red Flag laws Banning high […]
My most important Role What it means to me… As a nearly retired nobody, I look back in my life […]
There can be little doubt that the events of Jan 6, 2020 were a direct attack to our democracy. The worst attack since the Civil War. On Jan 6, 2020 a riotous mob marched on the Capital in attempt to subvert the electoral process. They did that by overrunning the police and entering the Capital Building on the day the election was to be certified. The desire was to overturn the results of the election.
Today’s automatic weapons fire multiple shots in a matter of seconds. The writers of the constitution could not be expected to imagine this difference. They provided an amendment process in order to correct the constitution based on changes over time.
To think our founding fathers felt that everyone had a right to an automatic weapon which can fire 20+ rounds in less than a minute is just plan wrong. They could not have imagined the existence of such a weapon.
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