A World Without Hate
I am not naive.
I understand that this is just a dream with the current world political climate. But it should be our goal and our mission should be aligned with this. I’ve written that I consider hate the dirtiest word in the English language. I try not to use it to describe anyone or anything. But the world is far from reaching this goal.
So how do we get from here to reaching a world without hate.
We must stand up to bulling…
Russia invading Ukraine is an example. There was no purpose other than expanding Russian territory to this war. World War II shows that appeasement and just stepping away is not an answer. While it is painful to watch, supporting Ukraine stands up to a bully.
The war between Israel and Palestine is a different example. Israel had every right to attack Gaza after the terrorist attacks occurred. The key to this conflict is how to proceed after the fighting is over. Without Israel rebuilding the Gaza Strip after the fighting ceases, all Israel will accomplish is creating more terrorists.
Again World War II must serve as an example. The Marshall Plan turned enemies into allies, by rebuilding the defeated. Japan, Germany, and Italy all now are strong allies, because we didn’t impose penalties, but treated the defeated with dignity and helped the countries deal with the reality of post war crisis.
So What about our country.
We have problems. These problems are not solved by chest thumping and Democrats and Republicans fighting to take credit for all that is right. We need to become liberals and conservatives, with neither labels being vilified. Both sides serve a purpose.
Florida and the Anti-WOKE Movement.
The idea that education should be used as a tool to meet our ends is not new and is real. Hitler indoctrinated the youth through education with his Hitler youth programs. When does education become propaganda. I would suggest that when the content becomes more important then the message.
Education should be about expanding horizons and not limiting topics. We want our youth to learn how to think and how to extend our knowledge. The next great leap in our development is unknown. We must not limit it by creating boundaries in what is taught in schools.
Florida’s new laws certainly create the model for parents to limit what is taught.
Diversity Training.
Understanding the needs of others will help create a world without hate. To think you can eradicate hate without understanding what motivates others is naive. We are not all the same, nor do I want a world where we all think alike.
Accepting differences is more important then creating sameness. It is the differences in approach and thought which make life interesting. This is were the Florida education laws do it’s citizens a grave disservice. The laws put major curriculum decisions in the hands of parents.
Teachers can be threatened by challenging students beliefs. It isn’t that those beliefs are right or wrong, but it is important to know how those beliefs put into action effect others.
The current world and national direction worries me
I see divisions between people and countries widening. This is not a solution, but a sure way to create conflict. I see a world where the cycle of violence increases and my goal and mission in life goes unheeded.
In truth everyone wants shelter from the elements, enough food for themselves and loved ones, good health. and can live without fear.
Neil L Brackley
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