Is Donald Trump a Genie?
So what is a Genie? A supernatural being able to grant carefully worded wishes. Tyrannical Trump may not be a genie, but certainly believes he has supernatural powers.
In Middle East mythology Jinn’s or Genie’s could be both good or bad. Does anyone believe Trump is not selfish? Does anyone believe he is not a pathological liar? How often does he attack someone who contradicts or confronts him? It is not clear that he listens to anyone other than his own beliefs. By demeanor and action he tries to declare that he is all powerful. Just like a genie in a bottle granting wishes.
Is this a way to govern?
So now he is sacking oversight.
This indicates he neither wants nor respects oversight. He constantly claims he is the most maligned President in the history of the US. I would agree. But he is also the President who has spent more time attacking the previous President than any President in history. We are now 3 and 1/2 years into the Trump presidency and the coronavirus epidemic is Obama’s fault.
Over the last month he has tried to make Obamagate an issue. His own hand picked loyal Attorney General has indicated that neither Obama or Biden are subjects to his investigation.
Yes, there may have been excesses in the DOJ Russian investigation. But the final report was conclusive that there was Russian interference in our election process and that there were contacts between Trump’s election team and the Russian government. The Russian goal was to help get Trump elected. An investigation of Trump and his campaign committee was not only proper, it was necessary.
The Mueller Report finds no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia was proved.
The second section of the Mueller Report describes actions by Donald Trump which might be considered obstruction of justice. During his testimony before Congress, Mueller was lead through the acts and asked whether the 3 requirements of obstruction were met. In multiple cases he indicated that all 3 requirements were met, but refused to say it was obstruction of justice. His reason was that it was up to Congress to make that conclusion.
Our country is in a period of unrest.
Trump’s response is to attack the demonstrators whether peaceful or violent. As with all issues throughout his presidency he is tweeting. His tweets are angry and detail how wrong his nay sayers are.
He talks about using the US Military against the demonstrators. To silence the discord, without recognizing the wrongs of race based policing. It is neither forward looking nor is it helpful.
In contrast Barack Obama…
Has written series of tweets which.
- Recognizes the Root Cause. There is a discrepancy between how police approach blacks and those of us with lighter skin. This discrepancy is not acceptable conduct.
- States that violence in any form is unacceptable.
- Proposes that this issue while national in nature requires a local solution. That each and every town, county, state must address the issues of race locally. That to get this done will require progressive individuals at all levels, but that it will be difficult so long as voting in local elections is low.
The difference in how our current president and our past president addresses these issues is stark.
Our current president wishes to force compliance to his dictates. Barack Obama wishes to solve the root cause of the problem so it does not reoccur for our future generations.
Donald Trump acts like he is an all powerful genie.
In search of a bottle…
My hope is that in November the United States decides to find him a bottle and put a cork his reign of indecency once and for all…
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