Trump has COVID-19
What does it mean that Trump contracted the coronavirus
For those of us who are going to vote for Biden, this may be an “I told you so” moment. We finally get Trump supporters to agree he was wrong. Don’t believe it for a second.
When will we know…
We will know more when Trump’s campaign schedule resumes. I have a hard time believing that this man will ever admit he was wrong without overwhelming evidence and personal experience. Even them he will look for ways to make it seem like he is correct.
Trump hopes for a speedy recovery and will do everything in his power to be ready for debate number 2. Notice the list of drugs he is taking at Walter Reed Hospital. They are the new treatments. The ones used to make cases less severe.
If Trump is ready for second debate, he will take credit for all the wonderful drugs which were developed over the last 8 months. His recovery will be because of action he took and how he conquered COVID-19. He will come on strong and say if he were not president, he would be dead.
While I hope he does get “better” and I wish no one ill, it would be justice if he has lingering symptoms. Enough so that it is obvious that this disease is not just live or die, but one which for many has long term effects.
What is the truth…
Even before coronavirus, this president was more concerned with how much he and his wealthy friends were making than the people on main street. He has talked about the horrible conditions some of our citizens in inner cities live in, but does nothing to improve the conditions.
He blames others. That is Donald J Trump’s biggest weapon, blame. He does not build solutions, just points out problems. He finds what is wrong with health care, but does nothing to find solutions.
This election is about Donald J Trump’s Failure
Not because of what he has done, but what he has not done. He believes in trickle down economics, where if the rich do well there success will float down to those who struggle. This is true to a certain extent, but it is a 3rd world philosophy. One of autocrats and dictators. It divides the haves and the have nots and blames the have nots for their troubles.
It is not governments to assist those in need, it is the church’s and charities. If it sounds like Scrooge in Dickens “Christmas Carol” it is because that is Donald J Trump. Oh, he may give generously to charity, the only purpose is to provide façade of decency. Evidence suggests that this is only a means to not paying his fair share of taxes.
As far a jobs are concerned, he inherited a strong economy. More jobs were added in the last 3 years of the Obama administration than the first 3 years of the Trump administration. Trump gave a hug tax cut to the wealthy and a temporary tax cut to the middle class.
Long Term Economy
For many years the republicans railed a the tax and spend democrats and a failure to balance the budget. Donald Trump and the Republican Congress cut taxes and increased spending. A balanced budget is no longer a concern in a Trump economy. Much like his many bankruptcies in his private businesses. The bills will come due in our children’s life time.
The hope that are children will live in a better world than we did is quickly fading away.
Who is invested in the stock market?
Many have a 401K plan with an indirect impact by changes to the stock market. Few are heavily invested in the market, so Trumps emphasis on the stock market is misplaced.
Health Care
He has torn down Obamacare. More Americans are without health insurance today then 4 years ago.
He has failed to protect us from the coronavirus and encourage us to act in unsafe ways. Trump has discourage the use of masks and mask users. He reacted to the pandemic.
Trump considers health a national issue when with a global economy it is a international issue. Closing borders does 0not prevent diseases from spreading. It will spread. What we needed was a plan for mitigation once the disease reaches are borders. Because as sure as there is death and taxes any bug found anywhere in the world will eventual reach our shores.
Trump’s response of stepping away from the WHO is just plain wrong and short sighted. It’s part of his need to blame others and not look at what we could do better. One thing we can do better is engage others.
International Policy
I’d like to understand how removing us from a voluntary treaty with no teeth makes us better able to deal with global warming. What it does is it takes us away from the main stream. It hurts our relations with other countries and limits our ability to influence others.
With this as with many of Trump’s decisions, he can not let anyone else take the credit for anything. It has to be Trump. He would prefer to throw out the old and start over again.
The Paris Accord took years of negotiation to reach and Trump threw it out. Why? Because it came to fruition when Barack Obama was president.
Same thing with the Iran Nuclear Accord. I’d like to know how removing inspectors from Iran helps peace in the Middle East. It doesn’t. It emboldens Iran and her allies.
Trump seems to be in the process of turning his back on democracy and aligning the United States with dictatorships.
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