Bill Gates April 2015 If anyone believes no one could have predicted the coronavirus, I’d like to suggest you spend 10 minutes to listen to Bill Gates talk in April of 2015. While he may not have predicted China, and the specific naming conventions, he did discuss the nature of the next pandemic.
Then please review the following: This article starts with 60 Minutes interview referencing in 2005 and 2009 and George W. Bush putting forward a pandemic plan on November 1st 2005 and President Obama calling for infrastructure and investment on December 2, 2014. It also includes the Bill Gates talk referenced above.
So if we look…
A lot of folks, some in power predicted a future pandemic. Certainly Hollywood has themed many movies on infectious diseases. Obama formed an NSC department to help us prepare. Donald Trump and his minions chose to save money by cutting the department. His strong economic based decisions, helped leave us open to this event and led to the cupboard being bare.
What else has the Donald been saying.
Can we cure the virus by drinking bleach? Oh there is a reason for the skull and cross bones on the label. How about high doses of ultra violet light inside the body? When did he appoint himself Dr. in chief? I certainly didn’t ask him.
And he continues his frequent rants on twitter and any chance he gets in front of a microphone against anyone with the temerity to disagree with the all powerful all knowing Donald.
He talks about the use of masks and then decides, masks do not apply to him. He doesn’t lead, not by example. Actions and pictures are much more powerful the words. How are we to get through this when he encourages groups, who do not follow the guidelines. We will all be better off if everyone wears a mask.
During the last couple of months he has said the virus, PPE and ventilators are the governors responsibility. At the same time his administration is confiscating the materials order by the same governors and putting them under the control of the federal government.
He supports Jared Kushner saying that the federal stock pile is not meant for emergency use by the states even while the website says that is the exact reason for the stock pile. After getting caught in the cookie jar the website is changed. What are emergency stock piles for if not for supporting state emergencies?
Meanwhile Attorney General William Barr
Decides it is time to stop the prosecution of admitted perjurer Michael Flynn. Even though VP Pence said he lied to him and the Donald fired him for lying. He even pleaded guilty to perjury. Barr says it is not a crime and makes it that the Donald doesn’t need to pardon him.
When did our the Attorney General who represents the people of the United States become the Donald’s personal lackey. Not even Jeff Sessions did that.
So to get back to the original subject. If the truth be told.
Donald Trump is the one who could not have predicted…
He needs to stop talking about the rest of us. He needs to stop pointing fingers at others and remember that the buck stops with the President of the United States.
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